Can I Trust You?...
I was praying very early one morning. I began sharing with the Lord all that was on my heart. I shared with him my concerns and desires for the ministry, my personal concerns, and my finances. As I laid there before the Lord, he spoke to me and said, "Can I Trust You".
The Lord says he has answered many prayers. He has blessed the children of God, but they did not do wisely with what he had blessed them with. The Lord said "many of them asked for relationships, and when I gave them a relationship, they put it before me. God said, "I have blessed finances", but they put finances before me, they refused to pay their tithes, they took the money that I blessed them with not to further the kingdom. But to use it on themselves, they have built molten images. The molten images are flat screen televisions, luxury vacations, houses, cars, designer shoes and clothes. The Lord says I desire that you would be blessed. But God says where are your priorities.
So I lay in the bed, and I said to God only you know my heart, and my motives. But it is my desire to be faithful to you. I believed that I have been faithful over little; and according to your word, if we are faithful over little you will make us ruler over much.
Well, Sisters and Brothers we are in a season that God's blessings will not be bestowed upon by surface prayer, and living. God says that he has in store the "Good thing" for those who have stretch, been faithful, never gave up. God says I am looking into the hearts of my people, I want to know "Can I trust you", will you do what is right before I bless you. Search your hearts.
Women of Authority Ministries
Evangelist Carleen Brown, Founder
Tele/Prayer: 337-308-3217