If it Pleased the King 
- Nehemiah 1-2
In this story Nehemiah, the cupbearer was informed by friends that had recently visited Judah that the Jewish people that had escaped from captivity; although free they were left destitute and afflicted.  The walls of the city were reportedly   broken down. To have walls of a city broken down during this period of time in history, left the Jewish people in that city vulnerable to attacks from their enemies.  Nehemiah was devastated when hearing the news that God's people had no protection, and that their walls were broken down.   The bible records that Nehemiah cried, which reminds us that although we are Christians, we are human with real hurts, real emotions.  We are often faced with overwhelming circumstances that cause us to feel we have no control.  But as we continue to read, we see that Nehemiah did something very instrumental.   He did the only thing he knew to do that would change matters.  He FASTED and PRAYED to God. What a powerful combination!  If we want to see things change in our lives or want to hear clearly from God, we need to fast and pray. 
What is so important to note in this first chapter is Nehemiah's character and his heart. Nehemiah was moved by compassion for others in need.  He was not selfish thinking only of himself.  I 'm sure he recalled childhood stories that told him of stories of God's beloved people.  He knew and understood the destiny that God had for his people, so to envision God's people in their present state was saddening.  He could have said, "that is just sad to hear" and he could have gone on his merry way.  After all, he had a great job working for the king, living in the palace, wearing fine clothes, and eating the best of foods.   But Nehemiah shows true Christian character and choose not to live in the comforts of the palace, as his people live destitute with no protection. 
This is the type of character that God wants his people to have today.  But to be honest it is rare today to find people going out of their way leaving the comforts of their homes to help others.  But Nehemiah is a great example as to what a Christian should do when we see a need.   Although God has blessed you / "US" with nice homes, cars etc...  and our families are saved and prospering and doing well.  We cannot forget about our brothers and sisters that are not.  Don't forget about those that are struggling with diseases, everyday life, depression and lack of finances.  Look to see if you can help someone else.
Nehemiah did several things that we should note.  He asked God to be attentive to his prayer, and he ask for forgiveness not only for himself but his father's family. He also reminded the Lord that he was a Covenant keeping God.    Nehemiah confessed any wrongdoing because he did not want anything to hinder him from having his prayers answered.  He also wanted forgiveness for the people (ancestors) that had turned their backs on God.  He thought that maybe their living condition was the result of them turning their backs on God.  It may just be their chastisement from the father. 
 Nehemiah had a plan, and he wanted it to be a success.  If we want success, we need to ask God to bless the works of our hands.  Nehemiah had a plan, but he also had responsibilities.  We ourselves often see the needs of others, but we are so bogged down with life, and everyday responsibilities and obligations. To be honest, to think about adding one additional thing to our plate seems overwhelming.  Nevertheless, that did not stop Nehemiah.  The story said that one day Nehemiah went before the King, and the King saw that Nehemiah was sad.  After asking Nehemiah, why was he sadden.  Nehemiah shared what was on his heart.  Nehemiah apparently has such a relationship with the King that it moved the heart of the king.  For the king asked Nehemiah" What request do you have of me".  Scripture said that Nehemiah prayed again before answering, and said If it pleased the King, and if I have found favor in your sight, that thou wouldest send me to Judah unto the city of my father that I may build it.  Scripture said not only did the King responded favorably to Nehemiah's request, but he gave him troops for protection as he went on his way to meet the needs of God's people.
When our motives are right.  When we put others before the needs of ourselves or even the needs of our immediate family.  God will open doors.  Not only did Nehemiah  pleased the earthly king, but he pleased the Heavenly King.  When faced with decisions.  When it looks like obstacles are in the way of you doing the work of the ministry, Pray.  Pray to God, like Nehemiah talked to the king.  Because God is asking " what is it that you have need of.  Nehemiah need was the need for permission from the King to prepare the wall of a destitute people.  What is your need today.  Does your friend, neighbor, husband, wife, children need salvation? or maybe they need to be delivered from drugs, pornography or homosexuality.  Whatever the need is today.  Pray this to the Father " If it pleased You God My Father, My Saviour, My King, and if I have found favor in your sight, that thou wouldest  (HEAL, DELIVER MY HUSBAND, DAUGHTER, SON FROM________________) OR BLESS ME WITH A HOME, CAR, A JOB, ETC....In JESUS Name!
When you are unselfish in meeting the needs of others.  Not only do you please our King, but He will respond to YOU favorably with more than you ask!

Women of Authority Ministries
Evangelist Carleen Brown, Founder
Tele/Prayer:  337-308-3217
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