Women of Authority Ministries

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Women of Authority Ministries

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Women of Authority Ministries
 and how we began...
Evangelist Carleen Brown

Women of Authority Ministries began initially from a creation of a newsletter in April 2000 as I sat at my desk studying the Word of God with my computer in front of me.  The Lord impressed on me to begin writing and typing everything he led on my heart. It was then the words just began to flow like rivers of water. The words flowed quicker than I could type.   In fact, the writings and supernatural experiences occurred during the stormiest time in my life.  But it was then that I felt the closest to God.  God would literally show me my entire day before it happened. I thought when it occurred the first time it was by coincidence. But I began noticing that my dreaming was frequently every night and the experiences lived out every day.  The time I began experiencing the dreams was the time that my days were consume with constant prayer and fasting.   It was then that I knew that God was giving me prophetic dreams and insights before it happened. 

The WOA newsletter was compile of topics and writings that God had given me reminding me that the divorce I was undergoing may have hurt me, bruised my spirit but it will not kill me, and I will ARISE.  He shared at that time that he would use the very thing that hurt me so severely to minister to other women that were spiritually and emotionally wounded.  It has now been over twenty years that WOA Ministries began.   I realize now that the writings were an outlet that God had given me to process the hurt while leading me on a journey of healing and self-discovery but most of all recognizing my Godly authority in scripture.  

Yes! The year 2020 will make it 20 years that the Women of Authority Ministries have been established. 
The Women of Authority Ministries have touched hundreds of lives through Ministry of the Word, WOA Conferences, WOA monthly mentoring workshops, Young Women for Christ Workshops, local church affiliations with Kingdom Authority series, revivals, Sounding the Alarm daily devotionals via Facebook, WOA videos and prayer.  

The twenty years have not been easy, but it has been fruitful.  Oh yeah!  
Just a nugget I want to whisper in your spirit.  The Lord shared earlier this month in December that 2020 will be a Year of Fulfillment of Godly Expectations.  So whatever Godly expectation(s) you have had before God's throne begin looking for it to manifest in the year of 2020! Say out loud with me "This year is my year that my Godly expectations will be fulfilled. It will be a year that I will see more clearly the things that he has for me to do. Amen!"
See you next year!

There are Battles You Need Not Fight  

"You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem! Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you." - 2 Chronicles 20:17
In this chapter, we witness the continued supernatural assistance of the Father for His children. It begins with King Jehoshaphat of Judah receiving news that the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir were assembling to attack him and the people of Judah. Upon hearing this, fear gripped King Jehoshaphat. Have you ever been in a situation where you expected something to go one way, but found yourself in the midst of a storm with the enemy attacking from multiple directions? Jehoshaphat provides us with an example of how to respond when the enemy attacks. Let's quickly review the steps King Jehoshaphat took after learning that his enemies were coming against him.
He declared a fast for himself and the people of Judah. When faced with opposition, we need clarity and for our flesh to die so our spirit can hear from God.
They sought the Lord. Fasting and praying go hand in hand. They strengthen our faith, enabling us to move mountains in our lives. We need faith to see beyond opposition and current circumstances, realizing that God can nullify the enemy's plans.
Confess and acknowledge God for who He is and what He has done in your life. Jehoshaphat reminded the Lord, "You are God, God in heaven, and no power on earth can withstand You. Isn't it You who drove out the inhabitants of this land and gave it to Your people Israel as their possession?" He ended by saying, "You are my God." It's alright to remind God who He is and what He has done in your life. Remind God, "You are My God, and I put My Trust in You! Not in the situation, not in the problem, and not in how it looks."
Know where to go when the enemy comes: In His Presence! Jehoshaphat encouraged himself in verse 9, saying, "If disaster comes upon us—sword, judgment, pestilence, or famine—we know where to go: in Your temple, Your presence." We are reminded that when the enemy comes, we have protection, security, peace, abundance, and joy in the presence of the Father. Isn't it something when you are minding your own business, just doing you, and then for no reason, an attack comes in the form of lies, trouble at work, trouble in marriage, family, finances, or health? The enemy's goal is to take what God has given you: your inheritance of joy, peace, protection, abundance, and safe dwelling places.
Fix your eyes on the Lord. Jehoshaphat realized that his army could not win against three groups of people coming at once. But he said, "Our eyes are upon God." Let us not focus on the situation or the circumstance, because it may look dismal. But in the realm of the spirit, we have victory through God. So, our eyes are on God, who has the power to move and turn any situation for our good. We need to ask the Lord to take us higher than the situation.
Receive a word from God. Sometimes, we just need a word from God—a fresh revelation that speaks to our hearts and lets us know "it will be alright." Then the word of God was revealed to the people of Judah: "Do not be afraid or dismayed by this great multitude. This battle is not yours, but the Lord's." God reminds us today that He has this. You don't have to try to fix it or vindicate yourself.
God will give you a strategic plan. God told the people of Judah where the enemies would be, but reminded them that this was not a battle they would have to fight. Listen and obey God's word.
Position yourself. How do you position yourself? In the posture of prayer, knowing that we don't have to fight. We do our fighting on our knees in the realm of the spirit. The word says we fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in heavenly places. So our posture is to (1) pray, (2) worship, and (3) stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Sometimes, God just wants us to become aware that if it were not for Him, this miracle or provision could not have happened. Sometimes, we are put in that position because He wants us to see the power of God move in our lives. Sometimes, we question whether God is really real and if He really hears us. So God wants to show us how real and powerful He is and that He hears us. The Lord says, "Not by power or by might, but by My Spirit," says the Lord of Hosts!
Praise God with thankful hearts. Jehoshaphat and the people praised God. It's in worship and praise that God moves. God says, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me."
Be reminded of the Word. Jehoshaphat reminded the people of God what was already revealed by the prophet of God. He said, "Believe in your God, and it shall be established; believe in your prophets, and you shall prosper." We are reminded of the inspired written word of God as well as the prophetic word of God that has been revealed. The word of God is what we stand on. Standing on the Word of God will produce miracles.
Accept your assignment. Jehoshaphat gave appointments: (1) some were to sing to the Lord, and (2) others should praise God in the beauty of holiness as they led the army. Having a praise team leading the army defies human logic. If you want things to move in your life, lead by singing and worshipping the Lord, not by complaining, moaning, and crying. What moves God is faith in His word and worship in His presence. In the New Testament, we are reminded that worshipping and praising God will open prison doors and set you free!
Let God work out the situation. The word says ambushments were made against the enemy of Judah as the people sang and worshipped. The enemy (the three tribes) destroyed one another. God will bring confusion among those who conspire against you. You don't have to lift a hand.
You will overlook your enemies! You will see with your own eyes the demise of your enemy. You will be victorious! The word of God says in Psalm 141 that the wicked will fall into their own nets.
You will gather the spoil! God has blessings for you that you do not have room enough to store. The spoils are for the one who triumphs in battle. Who triumphed was God, but the spoils were for the people of God. The word says there was so much abundance of jewels and goods that it took three days to gather. There are jobs, promotions, wealth, court case winnings, and health that are yours. Go and possess it!
You will bless the Lord. The valley of Ziz has become the Valley of Berachah. God has now placed His people in a position of blessings. The Valley of Berachah means Blessing. God is changing your location from lack to more than enough.
God gives them rest! It's your season of rest. I speak rest to you and your household this 31st day of July 2023 at 11:40 am.
Prayer: I pray that we would understand that when faced with opposition from the North, South, East, and West, we would not become overwhelmed, fearful, or dismayed. Lord, we are reminded to run and be in Your presence. We are reminded that this is not our battle; the battle is Yours. The Lord is calling us to a position of prayer, to hear God's revelation, and to receive His strategic plan concerning our lives and this current situation. God, thank You, for we recognize You have called us into a season of worship. It's in faith that we know "You have this". We are expecting supernatural favor and provision for our lives. God, You are turning things around in our lives. Some of us are looking to win court cases and social security disability cases; we need You to step in on the job. God, You are closing the mouth of every liar and contender in the spirit realm that is trying to steal our inheritance. The enemy will not prevail against Your people. Every ill-spoken word against us will not bear fruit but will be dismantled. God says we do not need to vindicate or justify ourselves against lies. Keep your mouth shut, and He will speak for you. We come against every conspiracy formed against the children of God. Every conspiracy is destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. God, we decree today that You are changing our location from lack to stepping into our Valley of Berachah—our Valley of Blessings and season of rest from our enemies this day of July 31, 2023. This 7th month. It is completed and sealed in Jesus' Name.

Prophecy-2020 Election
between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.



As I began to inquire of the Lord, the following scripture was given to me I Kings 17.  During this time in biblical  history King Ahab became a full fledge worshipper of Baal with the prompting of the Priestess Jezebel.   It is said that Ahab set up a temple for Baal, altar of Baal and a wooden image.  Ahab actually set up this Baal cult as the state religion.  This cult religion believed that rain came from Baal.    

 But God sends his powerful prophet Elijah to speak on his behalf; letting all know that unless God gives a word through his Prophet,  drought will pursue  and no dew or rain will exist.                                                                                                                                                       
Inspite of the drought that Elijah proclaims on the earth.  The Lord gives direction to Elijah  as to  where provision is  for him while the drought  exist.  In our current circumstance with the Coronavirus existing globally;  we may feel that we ourselves are feeling a drought or may experience in the future a shortage of , toiletries, money).  But God reminds us through this biblical drought that God will send direction, provision and peace in these current happenings.  We who live daily by faith are most likely the persons that do not have millions in the bank.  So we aren’t panicking like so many others who rely on their monies.    We who live by faith, have blood on our door post.
But we as Christians although we walk by Faith must be Prayerful, Practical, Reasonable and Responsible not only for ourselves but for others as well.  But this is the day that we Christians rise up to say that although there is much uncertainty God has the final say.  It is needed like never before to be able to hear the voice of God.  I pray that the eyes and ears of your spirit be enlightened.  
As I work from home and as I take a break for lunch  picking  up my bible to hear a word from  God .  Because I have certainly heard enough of the  News stations,  CDC, and major health authorities which brings nothing but fear and doubt.    
God gave me the following book and chapter which is 1 Kings I7. As I read my bible the following stands out:
1. A famine is proclaimed in the land. (Global threat as the current coronavirus pandemic)
2. God speaks to the Man of God. (He continues to speak to us today)
3. The Man of God was attentive and able to decipher God speaking. (We need to quiet our spirit to hear from God although not ignoring what is happening in the world).
4. God tells the Man of God to HIDE by the BROOK OF CHERITH. (Provision of water that no one else was aware of existed. While there was drought for others, there was an entire brook for Elijah. God is our provider.
5. Because Elijah was able to hear the Lord, He submitted to the following of God. I’m pretty sure that he might have thought okay water will be there, but what about food.
6. But ravens found the Man of God, and these ravens brought both bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening. (God knows where you are. But we also need to be at the place that he has for us to be).
7. God sustained him until the brook dried up. But when the Brook dried up there was direction to another resource.
We are not going to live by fear, but we are going to hear God and move by his direction.  When we do that provision will always be there. Be prayerful knowing that God has us. 



He Will Make Your Enemies Your Foot Stool
We live in a world where people may dislike you for no apparent reason. Reality television often portrays women fighting and cursing each other, behavior that society has come to accept as normal. People may not like you because they perceive you as "stuck up" or because "you did not speak," or it could be as simple as God bringing financial increase into your household. So yes, believe it or not, we do have enemies, some of whom we may not even realize are against us. But we know that the father of lies and schemes rules such spirits.
I am now 50 years old and have lived a surrendered life to Christ for more than 35 years. Over the years, I have found that everything in the WORD of GOD is true, not only for centuries ago but also in our current 21st century. I recall living in California, working for an "undisclosed company," enduring lies, backbiting, and extreme confrontation. A former coworker (now a dear friend) and I used to call that work environment "The Wild, Wild West."
Every Monday morning, we would meet at the boardroom table to discuss our week, goals, and accomplishments from the previous week. Many of the discussions were filled with lies and fabrications. As a new employee, I honestly shared my experiences and the difficulties I encountered on a project. However, after the meeting, my supervisor reprimanded me. I remember thinking, "What did I say that was so wrong?" I only spoke the truth. Apparently, she wanted me to avoid mentioning any difficulties and instead focus on "fluff and untruths" to make her department look good.
This same supervisor who ranted and raved would also come into my office, shut the door, and ask for prayer. And yes, I would hold her hands and pray with her. This became a norm, and I thought we were building a genuine relationship, even though she was my supervisor. Years later, after she left the company and I was promoted, her former boss revealed to me that she wanted to fire me. My response was, "Really?" Little did I know she wanted me gone despite my good work and evaluations.
Years later, the Lord allowed me to meet her again. She immediately began apologizing for how she treated me and shared what she had done, admitting that I had done nothing to deserve it. She also thanked me for leading her to Christ because, when her father was on his deathbed, she knew how to lead him to Christ. She hugged me with tears in her eyes and said, "Thank you so much, and if there is anything I can do for you, just call me."
The Lord reminds us today that even in hostile situations, we should continue to show the love of Christ. As we keep living, we will find that the scriptures we have read will unfold and become true in our lives. And yes, He will make your enemies at peace with you and cause them to bless you! Have a Blessed Tuesday!


Our Battle is Spiritual
Many of us become consumed with the situation we find ourselves in. Many times we begin to look at our situation in the natural ; and from that stand point we begin to want to fix it or correct it ourselves. If someone has caused us harm we may want to retaliate "get them back". Many of us have made up in our minds we are not going to be a push over and let people walk all over us. But the Lord reminds us that there is a spiritual war going on; and It is NOT against flesh and blood. We can not defeat the enemy with words, fist or confrontation. Long ago when I was faced with insurmountable trials, it wasn't retaliation I was feeling but I wanted to withdraw from the world. Sometimes the warfare becomes so intense it becomes hard to pray and to be honest you feel as though there is nothing to praise for. But as I find myself in this trial that took me by worldwind; the spirit of God spoke to me and told me "Do opposite of what the enemy wants". The enemy does not want you to Praise Me, the enemy Does not want you to get out of Bed, The enemy does not want you to pray or read your word." But sometimes you have to muster up enough strength to say "Thank you Lord". This situation does not look good, it does not feel good. But I am thanking you anyway. And when we can muster up enough strength just to give Him just a little praise, God will step in and ambush our enemy. Webster defines AMBUSH as "a surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position. But I am going to say the HOST of Heaven, God's Angels under HIS command is lying wait to ambush the enemy. The enemy, those old nasty spirits such as "hate, depression, financial hardship, lack, infirmity, hopelessness, addictions, disrespectful children, stubbornness, jealousy, adultrey, pornography, fornication." When the enemy thinks he have you down for the count. When the enemy makes you feel this situation will not turn around. Continue to offer up praise, even if its a "little praise". Watch how God will step in and destroy the enemy. 
Again, continue to Praise. Put on your worship and praise music; and you will find yourself praising and worshiping The Lord. You will find depression, hopelessness leaving and joy rising up, and a second wind from the Holy Spirit telling you "YOU CAN MAKE IT. DON'T GIVE UP. DON'T THROW IN THE TOWEL. YOU DON'T SEE IT. BUT I AM WORKING IT OUT ON YOUR BEHALF. Don't try to fix it yourself, God has this!! You just praise him!! Decreeing you a prosperous, Bless and Open Doors Week! 6/25/18


Supernatural Favor will spread to those in your Household!
Joseph kindred was made known to Pharaoh. Then sent Joseph, and called his father Jacob to him, and all his kindred threescore and 15 souls. Acts 7: 9-14
If we study the life of Joseph, we will see that every adversity or situation Joseph was put in he eventually came out victoriously. He was even promoted becoming the second in charge of the entire nation, immediately under the King. Joseph’s famous quote is that “What you meant for harm God turned it around for my good”. Joseph was anointed from childbirth. He knew that God had a special destiny for his life. I believe he anticipated even when in bad situations, that God would get him out of it. When we have supernatural favour or supernatural provision you will be victorious no matter what negative situation you find yourself in. Supernatural is defined as “relating or attributed to phenomena that cannot be explained by natural laws” and “favour” defined as an act of kindness performed or granted out of goodwill. I admit sometimes it takes more than a day for situations to change because there are some things that we must go through. But I implore you to keep on the journey. When you have favour, blessings will just occur; rivers or opportunities that have dried up will just lead you to bigger and better blessings and opportunities. When your finances become scarce God will allow people to come your way just to bless you or to pay that money, they owe you (lol). Some may call that a coincidence, but God say’s Favour. To have supernatural favor and provision means that it has nothing to do with you working for it, but everything to do with God’s ultimate decision to bless you, promote you, provide for you. It’s not something we work for but it’s something that is granted to you by HIS good pleasure. I am delighted to say that the supernatural favor and provision of God has worked in my life for more than 33 years (I’m sure all my life, but what I am aware of 33 years). I can also admit that I have been an active participant with the Kingdom. For more than 33 years I have actively attempted every day to LIVE right, make Godly decisions even when hard. So, if it pleased the king to Bless me, I am blessed even more so. Testimony: I’ve been blessed with opportunities, jobs (not qualified for), blessed with 6 months of free rent, electricity, cable paid for and blessings from individuals placed in 
my life that had nothing to do with what I had done. But the Favour and Mercy of God! And yes, when God shows favour on you, your entire family becomes blessed that includes your children, your grandchildren, your parents and cousins!  Praying that God would grant you favour on Today!
Evangelist Carleen B. Pope 3/1/17


Be Ye Careful of a Self-Righteous Spirit

Jesus answered him, "Simon, I have something to tell you." "Tell me, teacher," he said. Luke 7:40

Here in this verse of scripture Jesus knowing the inner thoughts of the Pharisees to whom he sat at the table with asked a question to Simon outwardly for all to hear. The same Pharisees whom had witnessed the sinful woman with the alabaster box, whose tears washed Jesus feet, and hair that wiped his feet and whose ointment was poured on His feet were known as a sinner. Why would Jesus, the Son of God allow this sinful woman to touch  Him?   The thoughts of the Pharisees and maybe the thoughts of us today might say “She" is simply a sinner, a prostitute; But the Lord knowing the inner thoughts of this woman, paid pity on her, was patient with her and forgave her sins. But prior to forgiving her sins, Jesus shares a parable about a creditor that had two debtors; each debtor owing different amounts of money.  The parable further stated that when they had nothing else to pay; the Creditor forgave both of them. Jesus asked, "Simon" which one will love the creditor more. Simon shared  “I suppose that he, to whom he forgave most”.   Sometimes we as Christians, especially those of us that have been Christians along time may fall into a Spirit of Self Righteousness. We have to be careful of this spirit because when we begin to operate in a self-righteous spirit we then operate in a spirit of error. We also can lose intended blessings because of our perceptions.  Because what we were expecting did not come in the package that we thought it should come in we toss it aside. Throughout Jesus’s ministry he always spoke of coming to those that were lost. So be careful not  to judge those that may yell a little louder than you when saying “Hallelujah” or shout a little passed the music ending. Or those that do not dress like us, it may be because they have no other clothes to wear. Bottom line, we don’t know where God has brought those "so called sinners" from.  That sinner that you saw walking into the club last night as you passed on the street, or that drug addict you saw walking or talking to himself yesterday, may be the very person who encountered Jesus the very “night” that you saw them, or maybe it was early morning, or an hour or minute ago. You didn't see them when they poured out their hearts to HIM and wash and anointed Jesus feet with their tears a day, an hour or a minute before church started. 
 We don’t know, nor should we judge. I can speak to this because I was once that Pharisee that thought I had it ALL together. After all, I had been saved since 15 years old. I hadn’t experienced the world; so I had no patience for the prostitute, the drug addict, the sinner. It was not until Jesus unveiled my eyes and took me from my religious mind set to HIS mindset. I would have missed one of the biggest blessings during one of the worst storms in my life. During the divorce from my first husband, God placed in my life women that did not look like me, or talked like me. They were little white ladies with rhinestone glasses that looked like they stepped off of the channel of TBN. But they were the women that God placed in my life to help mend my brokenness who spoke into my life that I would live and Not Die and that God had a purpose for me.  So we need to be careful who we look down on.  And for those of us who are broken, I know you feel like you've been dealt a bad hand. Maybe you didn’t come from the best family/pedigree. Maybe you came from a broken home or drug addict parents. Or you feel like how can God Love me, in all of my mess and filth. Because after all I lived a sinful life.  You feel like you've done everything in the book and that at many people have witnessed your sin. 

 Well, do you want to know why Jesus allowed this sinner woman to touch HIS feet?  It was because of You and Me.  He wanted US to know that I am a God that will change an imperfect heart;  he thought about you way back then.  Keep pursuing God. He is a God of a 2nd, 3rd, 4th chance!  Have A Bless Day! 2/27/17


Overthrowing the Plans of the Enemy

When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him (Satan).  Isaiah 59:19 Let simplify... When the enemy shall come and make violent attacks against you and your (health, family, marriage, finances, job, church and country...)  Then God himself shall give a remarkable check and visibly "INTERVENE", "INTERRUPT", The enemy on behalf of his Oppressed people, "YOU".  By calling together HIS armies, to oppose the enemies' 
progress and overthrow Satan's cause."  
I Decree today that ever assignment of the enemy against  your life is ABORTED, OVERTHROWN on today.  And that God will INTERRUPT AND CONFUSE, DESTROY  the enemy on your behalf in Jesus Name!  
Evangelist Carleen B. Pope

Responding to Your Circumstance
Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters that my circumstances have actually served to advance the gospel. (Philippians 1:12) Corinthians 6: 1-18 describes events that Paul experienced such as; “We patiently endure troubles and hardships and calamities of every kind. We have been beaten, been put in jail, faced angry mobs, and worked to exhaustion, endured sleepless nights, and gone without food. We have proved ourselves by our purity, our understanding, our patience, our kindness, our sincere love, and the power of the Holy Spirit. We have faithfully preached the truth.
The lesson today is not for us to attempt to avoid or escape the cross. But to understand that how you respond to the Cross, your circumstance both negatively or positively affect the Gospel. If you respond to your circumstance with prayer and faith allowing God to work on your behalf it will show to the world that prayer changes things and that God delivers. If we can get in our mindset that it’s not about us but about the Kingdom, HIS Glory, His Honor we can walk through any circumstance knowing that God is going to get the victory out of this situation.
Personal Testimony: Although not beaten and shipwrecked like Paul. I went through my own trials enduring racism, overlooked for promotions, colleagues taking my hard work, ideas and calling it their own. I had colleagues making up stories because I would not bow to the Spirit of Racism. I was laid off for all most a year, unemployment ran out, nearly exhausted my retirement funds. But during that time the “only response” I gave when asked how I was doing was “I am at peace, I am Bless and that God is going to get the glory out my circumstance”. And He did, absolutely nothing was turned off, I didn’t have to borrow from family, actually very little family knew that I was not working. A week prior to the anniversary of me being laid off God gave me SUPERNATURAL FAVOR. I was hired over the phone after one interview/conversation! (15 minutes). I had no face to face interview just a phone call. The end result is that God got the glory and I believe the Gospel was furthered by people seeing my life of Faith, Perseverance, Patience, Humility and the power of the Holy Spirit. God showed even my enemies who tried to do me harm they couldn’t stop God. We can further the gospel by how we respond to our circumstance. I believe as you go through your circumstance, storm or trial.  Whatever you want to call it. After Prayer and Faith. You need some Joy! You need a song. God gave me Deitrick Haddon’s song “He’s Able”. I sung it every day, all doing the day as I fellowshipped with God.
He’s Able lyrics
Exceedingly, Abundantly
Above all, all you could ask or think
According to, the power
That worketh in you,
God is able to do what He saith He will do
He’s gonna fulfill every promise to you
Don’t give up on God, cause He won’t give up on you
He’s able
Have a Blessed Day! 
Evangelist Carleen B. Pope


Change Your Prison Clothes

The Lord says today “It’s time to change your prison clothes”. Some of us have been going through lots of adversities. Some of it has been to our own doing and some have not. But the Lord says whatever the case that which seek to hold your bondage (mind, body, spirit, finances, relationships, and career) is no longer. The enemy has tried to imprison your thoughts that there is no hope. He has imprisoned you to believe you will never be healed, never prosper, never get promotion, and never have enough. The enemy has come in the form of supervisors, bosses to make you believe that they are in control of your finances. The Lord says, “Today it stops”. The spiritual bullying stops today! “God says today “I will remove any antagonizer, man, woman, business that try to conform you, hinder you, put you in a box, stop your growth or attempt to spiritually imprison you.” God says again, “they will be removed. The Lord says “Your release will supernaturally happen not in a few months, or years but expect it to happen in a few days! “ God will get the Glory out of this!
If we were to study King Jehoiachin’s reign of Judah, you would see he didn’t reign long. It is said that he may have reigned 3 months and a few days prior to King Nebuchadnezzar capturing him. It is told that he was captured at the age of 18 years old and was imprisoned for 37 years because of the sin of Judah, and his father. But what a miraculous surprise now at age 55 years old, He is told he will be released. Although imprisoned for 37 years, God had never forgotten him. King Jehoiachin most likely had fail to recall what it felt like to be king or royalty. He forgot what it meant to wear royal clothing, and to have prepared royal food, and to be in the presence of noble people. The lush lifestyle he once had was a far distant memory, only a dream. I’m sure looking at his situation, he was imprisoned by the same routine, the same clothing that he wore day after day. The imprisoned clothes were a constant reminder of his dismal future. His life as a prisoner had taken his identity, cause him to conform to the norm of prison-hood. He was no longer thought of as a person but downgraded to only a number. Jehoiachin was born to be king, a man of power and authority and yet, because of the sins of his people, he was taken into exile, put in prison, to be forgotten by all. This King born to make decisions now is told when to eat, drink and sleep; made to do manual labor. But it is just like God to show mercy to us even when unworthy. I’m sure King Jehoiachin had lots of time to review his life, the actions of his father and the life of the people. I believed he may have repented for that which was done evil in the sight of God.
After 37 years, God supernaturally release him from prison. God reminds us that he can step into any situation, and within a Planck time (shortest theoretically measurable time), microsecond (one millionth of a second), nanosecond (one billionth of a second) changed your life instantaneously! So Never Give UP! Hang on in their help is on its way. “Change” is about to happen. A transition is about to take place. Old things will be done away, and behold new things are coming! King Nebuchadnezzar, who had imprisoned him was removed, now deceased. The word says that the new Babylon King spoke kindly to King Jehoiachin and had supernatural favor with him and set his throne over the thrones of the other exile kings. It goes on to say that once released, Jehoiachin “changed” his prison clothes! And for the rest of his life ate regularly at the king’s table.
God says where you were a year ago, month ago, where you are now is not where you will be for the rest of your life. It is only for a set time, before I release you of that which sought to bind you. Deuteronomy 28:7 says “The Lord will cause the enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you. They will march out against you in one direction but free from you in seven.
The Lord says, “I will show supernatural favor, kindness to you and where I am taking you, the old garments, mindset, cannot be taken there.” God says “today get rid of the imprisoned thoughts, and behaviors that does not represent me. Change your mindset, begin to take your rightful place as Sons and Daughters at the Kings table. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Say Today “I’m Release. No chains holding me. Today I change my imprisoned garments for my royal garments. Taking my rightful place at the kings Table for the Rest of my of My Life!” Everything I need is for my asking. Again, I’m no longer bound, I’m Free in Jesus Name!

Women of Authority Ministries
Evangelist Carleen Brown, Founder
Tele/Prayer:  337-308-3217
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